grandmother cacao and creation
it has been 4 years since I discovered the magic of cacao and quite honestly, I’m not sure how I would have managed them with out her. the quiet mindfulness that has been born from her influence is nothing short of amazing. it is really just the small things that I’ve incorporated each day under her guidance that brings exuberance and joy to my day…scribing my daily intentions on a candle before lighting it and releasing them to the universe, whisking rose (for love) and blue lotus (for enlightenment and a daily dose of rebirth) into my water before adding a little honey/maple syrup and ceremonial cacao, choosing to listen to music that soothes me while I sit and journal my thoughts, desires and dreams as well as the happenings from the day before along with everything I am grateful for. sometimes the greatest relief can come from just emptying your fears, concerns and upcoming challenges onto the page to give your mind rest. I also surround myself with meaningful things that make me happy…incense, crystals, my oracle decks, plenty of colorful markers and pens for my journal and very often a kitty curled up in the chair near by.
grandmother cacao has allowed me to truly embrace my creativity and imagination. she is guiding me towards creating community through intentional and intuitive art. every new day is a gift and her influence reminds me of those blessings.
with all of that in mind, I am in the middle of creating a calendar of experiences; they will be called “cacao and creation” and will present opportunities for you to create reminders that you are worthy, that you are love and loved, that you are not in the universe, but are born of it. together, in community, we will create art that is based in mindfulness so that when you take it into your home and happen to glance at it in your daily comings and goings you will feel the love that you created for yourself; a gentle reminder to give yourself grace even when you don’t think you have time for it or deserve it.