Give Yourself Permission
Give Yourself Permission
~ a Free Ritual Guide for 2023 ~
The New Year is here and so many people think they need to make resolutions for weight loss, exercise, saving money, taking more days off etc., but as the month progresses, we stop making time for ourselves because we forget that we deserve self care. We put others first. We tell other people that they deserve to rest, time to read a book, paint, go for a walk, eat better, stretch or whatever, but we don’t give ourselves permission to enjoy the same things.
Let’s start the year with a fun ritual that will give you permission to embrace the child within that wants to play but isn’t always allowed to do so.
This is a simple ritual that can be done with the aid of grandmother cacao or your favorite herbal tea, with a cup of coffee or even your favorite adult beverage. You can do it with friends, you can do it alone or you can do it with family.
The supplies are simple and you most likely already have all of them in your kitchen or craft space.
You will need:
1 jar with a lid - about 5” tall (empty pickle jars work great as do mason jars)
12 4” square pieces of paper (computer paper works great, colorful paper is more fun)
something to write with - crayons, markers, a pencil/pen, paints (allow time for drying)
a sheet of paper for brainstorming
If you wish to make this a magical jar - gather things to infuse it with your year’s intentions as well.
sesame seeds for abundance
your favorite healing stone, here are few suggestions
clear quartz the master healer
jasper for stress relief
obsidian for releasing things that no longer serve you
amethyst for enhancing willpower
tiger’s eye to provide motivation
citrine for creativity
some spices to bring inspiration to your year, choose a pinch of your favorites
basil for love
mint for virtue
oregano for joy
rose for desire
sage for wisdom
thyme for courage
bay leaf for monetary abundance
Feel free to add something that represents your totem or even a note to yourself at the bottom of the jar to remind yourself where you started out the year. My animal totem is a dragonfly and I usually put a dragonfly charm in my jar.
Once you’ve gathered all your supplies (remember this can be as simple or as elaborate as you’d like it to be), then you can get started.
If you really want to make this special, in addition to your favorite beverage, you can light a candle and put on your favorite music to set the stage for inspiration.
We will start by brainstorming - first, pick up your beverage and hold it near your heart. Take a deep breath, hold it and then release it. Let go of all the things that were stressful throughout the day. Feel yourself getting lighter with each cleansing breath. Do this as many times you feel necessary. Take a sip of your beverage and feel it hug you like an old friend.
Once you feel a little more relaxed, you can start thinking about the 12 things you like to do, but do not allow the time to do it. Please remember this is not a resolution jar, it is a permissions jar. You will be giving yourself permission to do the things you’ve chosen. They also don’t need to be things you would do every day, although they can be.
For instance, I usually give myself permission to read something for fun 15-30 minutes a day or take a walk 3 times a week. I’ve even been known to go crazy and allow myself permission to do a foot bath once a week too, but that’s just me. Now, before you panic and think, I can’t do this every day for a year…you won’t be, unless of course you like it and want to keep adding things to your permissions, in which case that is an amazing way to gift yourself a new way of living in 2023.
Once you’ve decided on your 12 permissions, you will need your 4” squares. You will be writing one permission on each square and then folding them into an origami butterfly in order to give your permissions flight. Before you think, oh no!, I don’t know how to make an origami butterfly, I’ve created a little video to show you how to fold your butterflies. It’s step by step and becomes a little meditative as you move along through each butterfly.
Okay, once you’ve written a permission on each 4” square, you will start folding them.
Please follow the link below so that you can follow along and learn how to do it.
Once you’ve created all the butterflies, it’s time to assemble your jar. Begin by adding your spices, stones and your totem if you chose to include extra inspiration. Then add your butterflies. If your jar is large enough, you can put the lid on it and shake it up to make sure the butterflies are chosen randomly, if it’s not, then just make sure you mix them up before putting them in the jar so that as you draw out your butterfly each month it is a surprise even to you.
When all done loading your butterflies, you are ready to start your monthly ritual…starting with January. I usually do my calendar month based on the moon cycle, so Friday, January 6th is the first Full Moon of 2023 so this is the perfect time to get started. Open your jar, close your eyes and pick out a butterfly. Once you’ve chosen it, read it and know that you now have permission to indulge yourself in a little self care for the next month.
Then each month moving forward you will choose another permission until 2023 comes to a close. In these next 12 months you will have hopefully found a little more time and joy for yourself.
Please feel free to reach out and ask questions or share your experience. I hope you find as much joy in this self care ritual as I do.
Boundless Blessings,